This Crystal Skull Resource Directory is included so that if the reader(s) have any interest to further their own personal research in the area of the Crystal Skulls, they will have organizations or people which they may contact. The directory presented here contains Crystal Skull contacts, a list of published books and a few videos that we are familiar with. There have been numerous articles written in newsletters and magazine covering various ancient Crystal Skulls. |
Alan Neuman Productions, Alan Neuman, 8170 Laurel View Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90069; (213) 656-0754 (Produced a video exploring paranormal and psychic phenomena, including a segment on the Mitchell-Hedges Skull; still available)
AMHREA Foundation, Anna Mitchell-Hedges, c/o Mitchell-Hedges & Honey, Attn: Jim Honey,
2131 Regional Road 81, RR#1, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada L2R 6P7
Aquarian Perspectives, Inter-Planetary Mission Foundation, Attn: Raja & Moira Dove,
3357 Cerrillos Road, Suite #232, Santa Fe, NM 87505; (505)471-2033 ext-232
Bluestar, Inc, Attn: Mary Thunder, Route 1, Box 87D, West Pont, TX 78963; (409)242-5475
Bowen, Sandra, 2575 Sunshine Dr., Sedona, AZ 86336; (520)282-4471
Clarion Gems Inc./Galde Press, Attn: Phyllis Galde, P.O. Box 65611, St. Paul, MN 55165; (612)688-7005
Cristal Kingdom, Eric Fontzi,Los Angeles, CA;
Doherty, Jane, 2325 Plainfield Ave., South Plainfield,
Global Communications/Inner Light, Attn: Tim Beckley, 11 E. 30th St., Suite 4R, New York, NY 10016; (212)685-4080
Rev. Dorothy Harrison, 1621 11th Pl. NE, Washington, DC 20002; (202)397-3659
Jochmans, Joseph, P.O. Box 10703, Rock Hill, SC 29731-0703; (803)366-8023
Johnson, Star, Route 3, Box 490, St. Josephs, MO 64505; (816)662-3606
Krastman Productions, Hank Krastman, P.O.Box 16790,
Geoffrey Keyte, Massachussetts, USA
Masters, Robert E.L.,Ph.D., P.O. Box 3300, Pomona, NY 10970 (914)354-4832
Mehler, Steve, 1619 Sand Road, Woodland Park, CO 80863; (719)687-7890
Musee De L'Homme, Attn: Phototheque, Place du Trocadero et du 11-Novembre, 75116 Paris, France
Museum of Man, Great Russell St., London WC1B 3DG, England
Mystic Crystal Publications, John Milewski, P.O. Box 8029,
Pelton Publications/White Knight Productions, Chuck Pelton, 1371 Kilrush Ct., Suite A, Pinole, CA 94564; (510)724-8264
Psychic Research Institute,1725 Little Orchard St. #C, San Jose, CA 95125; (408) 279-2291
Ram Metaphysical Bookstore, Francoise Beaudoin,1749 Park Ave., San Jose, CA 95126; (408) 294-2651
Star of Isis Foundation, Christine Hayes, P.O. Box 4872, San Antonio, TX 78285; (512)737-1733
Strange Magazine, Mark Chorvinsky, P.O. Box 2246, Rockville, MD 20852; (301) 468-6133
Talisman Trading Co., P. Damian Quinn, Brazil; Telfax 55-33-276-1863.
Texas Crystal Skull, Joanne & Carl Parks, P.O. Box 751261, Houston, TX 77275; (713)991-4545
V J Enterprises, Attn: Vera & Joshua Shapiro, 9324 Home Court, Des Plaines, IL 60016; (847)699-8240
Bowen, Sandra; Nocerino, F. R. 'Nick' & Shapiro, Joshua Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed, J & S Aquarian Networking, Pinole, CA, 1987 (First Edition) ; Pacifica, CA, 1988 (Revised Edition) ** MistΘrios dos CrΓnios de Cristal Revelados, Ground Editora, Sao Paulo, 1992; (Portuguese Edition for Brazil)
(This book is a combination of interviews and articles by Crystal Skull researchers and spiritual channels. It tries to work with what is known so far, then goes beyond by considering the parapsychological perspective as a valid scientific approach. There are numerous points of view exploring ancient Crystal Skulls and many photographs of four of them, plus some of the contemporary carved skulls. Included within the chapters are original illustrations which portray the various information presented. It is planned as the beginning of many books which reveal the true purposes of the Crystal Skulls.)
(This book discusses crystals, Atlantis, the New Age and focus on the Mitchell-Hedges Skull. Information shared by Frank Dorland is included as well as the face forensicly drawn of the Mitchell-Hedges from the mold that Frank Joseph and also some channeled information is included.)
(This book reviews various Ancient Mysteries, unknown places, strange people, etc ... and includes a few pages describing the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull. As a result of this book, one of the guardians of an ancient crystal skull became aware that they would come into the possession of one!)
(This book is a sharing of Mr. Dorland's extensive research and work with quartz crystals which basically started when he had the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull for research in 1964-1970. One chapter is devoted to his work with the Crystal Skull and includes many color photos taken of this sacred artifact when the skull was in his caretaking.)
(Richard Garvin wrote the first book to focus on the investigation of the Crystal Skulls. There are extensive interviews with Frank Dorland, as well as quotes from the first published comparison of the Mitchell-Hedges Skull and the British Skull in the MAN article in 1936. Garvin gives background on F. A. Mitchell-Hedges and his adopted daughter, Anna Mitchell-Hedges, including an interview with her and copies of some of her correspondences about the Crystal Skull. There are photographs of the Lubaantun expedition, the British and Paris Skulls, as well as the Mitchell-Hedges Skull. Garvin discusses the scientific tests that were conducted at Hewlett-Packard in 1970 with the Mitchell-Hedges Skull, including associated psychic phenomena. A most in-depth book on the Mitchell-Hedges Skull and thoroughly researched.)
(Fictional story taking place in the 1920's involving Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (who did see the Mitchell-Hedges Skull in England) and Harry Houdini trying to solve a murder mystery. In the course of the events of the book they work with a trance medium/psychic who uses an Aztec Crystal Skull to assist her during her psychic sessions).
(This is a channeled book involving nine sessions that trance medium Carole Davis had in the presence of the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull. Since the whole book is written from a parapsychological perspective, there are specific answers given to questions related to the skull's history and use, which few other books address. The main ideas conveyed are that some form of consciousness works and communicates through the skull, and that the skull has an ancient connection to Atlantis and Bimini. There is also a good photo section in the book.)
(A small pamphlet about experiences related to the meeting of Star Johnson with the Texas Crystal Skull "MAX" and the Parks and working with "MAX" to conduct Light Activations in various locations in the U.S. She describes how the activations are conducted and people experiences in these events)
(A Fictional story revolving around two soul mates who meet and are assisted and connected through an ancient crystal skull. This book is part of a series of books in the Crystal Soul Merge series.)
( A Fictional story about two ancient crystal skulls involving a detective trying to solve a murder mystery. The book discusses the possibility of a person staying internally young if they can have possession of both skulls. The skulls are discovered in a Mayan area and a wealthy man tries to steal both skulls as the detective attempts to prevent it.)
( A book dealing with the North American Native Philosophies which includes a chapter about
"Ancient Origins" that briefly discusses the Cherokee Teachings as presented by a Metis medicine man,
Harley Swiftdeer, of thirteen crystal skulls as well as a summary of details related to the famous Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull.)
(This book is a compilation of articles by some of the leading authorities on crystals.
One of the chapters contains an article by Frank Dorland, summarizing his experiences and research with the
Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull. There is also a photograph of it included. Also, Lehmann
Hisey makes mention of this Crystal Skull in his article in context of the research done
by Hewlett-Packard.)
(This book is an autobiography of F. A. Mitchell-Hedges. It has thirteen
lines of information that specifically refer to the Mitchell-Hedges
Crystal Skull and there is a picture of the Crystal Skull in the book.)
(Mr. Morrill is basically concerned with the art of scrying for images in crystal. He refers to the Mitchell-Hedges Skull, which he had an opportunity to see when Frank Dorland had the skull in Marin County, California, as the finest scrying instrument. Also included is some history on the Crystal Skull, as well as photographs.)
(Mr. Morrill's second book focuses on unraveling how the Mitchell-Hedges Skull was found and how Ambrose Bierce and Mitchell-Hedges may have been working together when they found it. He questions the story about how it was purportedly found. Again, background information is given about the Crystal Skull and includes a few photos.)
(This book discusses the story of how "MAX", the Texas Crystal Skull came into the
possession of the Parks of Houston, Texas and some early research done on this Crystal
Skull. This booklet is available through the author, see listing under "Texas Crystal Skull" )
(Additional information about "MAX", the Texas Crystal Skull beyond
Ms. Parks first booklet, available March, 1996 from Pelton Publications)
(This book is a work in progress that V J Enterprises is sharing via their
internet web site. It is a fictional story of how our world moves into a
Golden Age by the year 2013 involving the gathering of a number of
crystal skulls ... in February of 1997, contributors are: Joshua Shapiro,
story originator, co-writers Julie Hopkins and Sue Taylor and Don Bright,
computer graphic artist. To visit the Crystal Skull Chronicle Home Page,
Engage Here! )
(This book is the personal story of Joke Van Dieten and how she
acquired four ancient skulls originating from various parts of the world)
(This book is devoted to exploring the mysteries in our world, including the ancient Crystal Skulls. This short article focuses mostly on the Mitchell-Hedges Skull, and in particular on F. A. Mitchell-Hedges. It does mention the British Skull and the Paris Skull, and there are pictures of each of these. Also, on the cover there is a picture of the British Skull.)
The Crystal Skull (The Psychic Connection),Alan Neuman Productions, Alan Neuman,8170 Laurel View Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90069; (213) 656-0754
(Interviews Anna Mitchell-Hedges and Carole Davis, who was the channel for their book, The Skull Speaks. You see Ms. Davis channeling in the presence of the skull. This video was a segment of a large documentary called "The Psychic Connection," done by Mr. Neuman. 30 minutes)
(Has produced a video showing the face of an Inca women that was done by forensic interpretation on the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull, initiated by Frank Joseph working with a mold of this skull)
( Video recorded at the 1993 UFO Congress with a quest discussing a brilliant blue-white crystal skull they had on display at the conference)
(This video shows various research sessions conducted on
with various crystal skulls including two skulls owned by Joke Van
Dieten, "ET" and the "Jesuit Skull")
(This video features six different crystal skulls featured for the first
time together ... some of the skulls included are new finds.)
It may be possible to obtain a copy of the "Georgi's Psychic Awareness" (Shown in Dallas, Texas, during the First International Crystal Conference, May of 1986. Georgi's guests were Sandra Bowen, Ron Dickinson, F. R. 'Nick' Nocerino, Joshua Shapiro and DaEl Walker. 60 minutes) Contact: Georgi's Entertainment, Attn: Georgi Clark,11525 Goodnight Lane, Dallas, TX 75229
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![]() | VJ Enterprises Attn: Joshua & Vera Shapiro 9324 Home Court Des Plaines, IL 60016 TEL : (847) 699-8240 FAX: (847) 699-9701 |